Wednesday, January 29, 2020

John Locke Essay Essay Example for Free

John Locke Essay Essay Our Earth has been the home to a multitude of great thinkers. These thinkers were scattered throughout the generations from the Romans all the way to the 20th century; however, the time period with the most philosophers was the Enlightenment Age. During this time there were many thinkers such as Voltaire and Thomas Hobbes. One thinker in particular who contributed a great deal to history was John Locke. His work is still influencing the lives of people across the world 300 years later. He rethought the moral role of government, created a new theory of knowledge, introduced the use of reason, and reminded people of their natural rights. The combination of these four things made him the single most influential philosopher during the Enlightenment Age, and even in history. During the 1600s-1700s, John Locke lived on this earth, observing how society functioned. He saw thinks very differently than the average person. Unlike many others, he used logic and reason in order to see the flaws of government. The government at the time was incredibly corrupt and unfair to the people. Taxes made the lives of 98% of the population miserable and insufferable. Locke could even be considered a humanist for his actions. He felt the people deserved a fair government that served them as appose to the people serving the government. According to Locke, â€Å"political power is the natural power of each man collectively given up into the hands of a designated body†1. In a more general sense, he created the social contract. Most people recognize this theory as the social contract because it is an agreement between government and its people. All people are born with their natural rights. The idea of the social contract is a community surrenders some degree of its natural rights in favor of government, which is better able to protect those rights than any man could alone. Protection is one of the greatest services any government can provide. People will enjoy living under a certain ruler if he or she can keep them safe. The quality of life is generally much higher when there is no constant fear of attack from a neighbor. The idea of the government providing protection had been around before, but Locke included the idea that government exists solely for the well being of the community. He stressed to the people that any government that breaks the contract can and should be replaced. Gradually, people began to process this idea and realized that Locke was right. They were the ones that should have the power, not the government. The people were unhappy with the way they were being treated, but they did not know what to do about it so they continued suffering. Locke gave them an instruction manual by saying, â€Å"the community has a moral obligation to revolt against or otherwise replace any government that forgets that it exists only for the people’s benefit†2. This struck true to many people because they were unhappy. It also gave reason for the government to be reasonable and not do anything outrageous. More power was given to the people and the days of absolute rule would no longer exist. One of Locke’s other contributions that was considered revolutionary was creating a new way theory of knowledge. Locke believed that knowledge was only gained through worldliness. He told people that experiences caused them to learn. One famous this he argued is that, â€Å"at birth the mind is a tabula rasa†3. Tabula rasa translates to â€Å"clean slate†. Essentially, everyone is born without knowledge and over time they become wiser and smarter. This was revolutionary because previously no one had every stopped to think about how knowledge was gained other than schooling. Locke was the first to think that people were born without any knowledge. He emphasized the five senses as well. Humans fill their clean slate with ideas and experience in the world through their five senses. There are many varying definitions of knowledge, but John Locke is the most accurate. Locke defines knowledge as â€Å"the connection and agreement, or disagreement and repugnancy, of the ideas humans form†4. Since our knowledge is derived from our experiences, it means our knowledge is limited. Not everyone can know everything since not one single person can experience everything this earth has to offer in one lifetime. This also means that everyone’s knowledge varies and no two people have the same exact knowledge since everyone’s experiences are different. Locke also notes that there is a great deal of unknown on this world and there always will be. This observation still is true today because there is a great deal of uncertainty in today’s society. He is also still influential because he taught us to question those uncertain areas. As a continuation, he agrees that there are certain things that we are certain of. One example that Locke uses is the certainty of our own existence and the existence of God even tough we may not fully comprehend who or what he was5. Another very complex theory that he had relating to the idea of knowledge was our ideas are related to reality. He said that, â€Å"our ideas correspond to external realities because the mind cannot invent such things without experience†6. The idea of knowledge was vague but Locke defined it in a very detailed and simple way for the average person to comprehend. This idea that our ideas are relates to reality because our mind cannot invent things without experience caused people a greater understanding of how their mind worked and encouraged them to experience more in their lives. John Locke is known for many contributions to society but one of his most influential was his inception of reason. He thought that every person had a purpose in life and that was to find truth. In believing this he encouraged people that God gave us our capacity for reason to aid us in the search for truth. Since Lock believed in a clean mind at birth, he also believed that people were born innocent. Innocence in his mind is eventually inevitably lost trough experience. That innocence disappears and creates knowledge. Locke wanted people to understand and think for themselves rather than follow their leaders blindly. He also considered truthful that, â€Å"each person has a duty to preserve other people as well as himself †¦ recognizing the responsibility to preserve the rights of all humankind naturally leads to tolerance†7. This idea directly leads to his idea of separation of church and state. To him, government had absolutely no right to impose itself people. The fact of the matter was that the government and state were one body. This gave them significant power to do anything they pleased. Locke was one of the very first to question governments over oppression. All men control their bodies and their minds so no other individual should try and control it. Also how â€Å"men naturally exist in a state of nature and so he needs to answer only to the laws of nature†8. The majority of leaders at the time were extremely unhappy with how Locke was influencing the general public. Ironically, now many leaders such as the president of the United States follow many of his beliefs. Locke also influenced the American Constitution when his ideas reached over seas. Early Americans saw the power of his theories such as the social contract and more importantly using reason. People wanted to be granted the same friends and eventually received them. Henry Ford once said, â€Å"thinking is the hardest work there is and that is why so few engage in it†. This quote is why John Locke is the greatest thinker and philosopher of all time. He devoted his life to changing not only the way people thought, but how they viewed life forever. No man has had a greater impact that him. Locke rethought the moral role of government, created a new way theory of knowledge, introduced the use of reason, and reminded people of their natural rights. The combination of these four things is simply what made him such an indelible man. Sources 1. Uzgalis, William, Uzgalis,. John Locke. Stanford University. Stanford University, 02 Sept. 2001. Web. 08 Jan. 2014. 2. Locke, John. The Second Treatise on Civil Government. Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 1986. Print. 3. Aaron, Richard I. John Locke. Oxford: Clarendon, 1971. Print. 4. Berlin, Isaiah. The Age of Enlightenment. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1979. Print. 5. Locke, John, and John Locke. The Second Treatise of Government; And, A Letter concerning Toleration. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2002. Print.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Most Compelling Reason for Studying Religion Today is Politics Essa

The Most Compelling Reason for Studying Religion Today For me, the word ‘religion’ conjures up images of wailing fat ladies dressed in their Sunday best singing at the top of their lungs about the glory of God. Of course, this image comes from my childhood when I attended the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica every Sunday, rain or shine, with my grandmother. For her, Church, Christianity and God was a way of life; a set of principles she believed in and lived by. For others less convinced, the idea of religion or ‘being religious’ is as far fetched as aliens and UFO’s. Throughout the centuries, religion has played an important part in shaping the political landscape of most modern societies and one reason for studying religion is to understand how and why certain societies developed in the way they did. The church – used here in generic terms – was often married to the way in which rulers administered laws and punishments. Often some used the church to swindle people out of their wealth and to gain their allegiance through fear. While other rulers such as Henry viii manipulated the religious order of the day by breaking away from the Catholic Church and forming a new Church of England so he could marry his mistress. For most, Islam is a way of life which is revered by its followers but according to Laura Hayes, when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, they controlled 90% of the country's territory and their policies—including their treatment of women and support of terrorists—ostracized them from the world community. The Taliban considered themselves mujahideen or holy warriors of the Islamic faith. ... ...of the people’. Religion and politics have come full circle as in today’s society there are laws which govern the recognition of a new ‘religion’. For example, a legitimate religion has the right to claim tax exemption and must promote the moral and spiritual welfare of the community. It is my opinion that although there are other reasons for studying religion, the most compelling reason by far is to better understand and cater for the diversity of modern society. Bibliography Atkins, Peter quoted in Poole, Michael. A Guide to Science and Belief. Lion Publishing.1990 Boeer. M. M. Karl Marx’s Interpretation of History. Mason, Claire. New Religious Movements: the impact on our lives. White Thompson Publishing Limited.2003 Pfeffer, Leo. Quoted in New Religious Movements: the impact on our lives.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Comparing The Allegory of the Cave and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Plato’s work in the Allegory of the Cave emphasizes the actualization of reality and truth. Fredrick Douglass’ life, which is portrayed in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, is similar to Plato’s philosophical idea presented in â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave. † Plato, a Greek philosopher introduces the significant meaning of reality and truth through his philosophical text. He illustrates the difference between illusion and the real world, which represents reality. In comparison, Frederick Douglass was an African American who had limited rights since he was a slave.Douglass decided to escape the darkness and get educated to become aware of the outside world. The definition of progress in both tales, are very similar. In both stories, there are four major progressions. First, both stories begin with men who are in the stage of ignorance. Second, these men are somehow able to escape from their bondage to ignorance. Third, they ar e enlightened. Fourth, they go back to their fellow friends, who are still bound to ignorance, and enlighten them. â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave† and the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass share the path to knowledge from ignorance.Initially, the idea of imprisonment is implied. The people from the cave were tied up along the wall with fire that created shadow against a wall. In â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†, the shadows caused misrepresentation of the real world, or ignorance. On the other hand, Douglass was held back from learning how to read and write by society during that time period. Unfortunately, his identity was forced upon him to be a slave, since there was racism, oppression, discrimination, degradation and segregation between white persons and black persons.Therefore, it was difficult for African-Americans to speak, know, or understand freedom. At first, it was impossible for the two groups, those chained in the cave and African-Americans, to af fect their immediate environment, or realistic elements, since they lacked liberty. In addition, exclusion from the freedom to interact with the â€Å"real world† led to other people accepting the way they live, believing there was no other choice. In the second stage, Douglass and one of the prisoners from the cave received the opportunity to explore the real world.When Douglass was sent to Baltimore, he gained new insight and was introduced to a new world. Douglass was eager and strongly felt the necessity for gaining an education. Despite all the possible obstacles and consequences, Douglass was eager and felt the necessity to learn how to read and write. He tried to get the help from the his surroundings to obtain an education. However, the most important lesson he got was that he started to realize the real reason for the existence of slavery.On the other hand, the man freed from the cave was forced to adapt himself to a new environment. Looking at the light, numerous li ving organisms, and other objects had created a different interpretation of his existent. In both situations, it was extremely difficult to accept the reality for both Fredrick Douglass and the freed man. Despite initial difficulties and fears, realizing and observing another reality created an eye-opening moment. In the third stage, Douglass gained much insight through his education, which led him to read books about slavery.Later on, anger builds up as Douglass discovers the forced identity on him and he started to rebel against his masters. In comparison, as the time went on, the freed man got used to the new surroundings available to him. He realized that sunlight and other objects were useful and beneficial. Later, the freed man realized that the sun is an essential part of the world we live in. The final stage in both pieces of literature was the most important. Their final goal was to educate others who were still living in darkness, or ignorance.The freed man took as many pr isoners out of the cave to help them attain knowledge. In addition, upon contemplation of these steps, one may make the following philosophical reasoning: perception of reality is learned through our observations. In comparison, Douglass was eager to seek freedom and got himself to New York. However, he did not end his journey there but fought for the rights of those stilled enslaved. In addition, he eventually wrote about life story to educate others and to motivate others to stand up for equality.Plato and Douglass came from different time periods in history, along with different styles of text. Plato represented his text philosophically and allegorically but the literature that Douglass represented was presented in non-fictional and historical context. However, the time period did not affect the perspectives towards human beings. â€Å"Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave† and Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave showed their r espective audience how the idea in relation to ignorance, education, and the way of perceiving of the reality is similar. Comparing The Allegory of the Cave and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Plato’s work in the Allegory of the Cave emphasizes the actualization of reality and truth. Fredrick Douglass’ life, which is portrayed in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, is similar to Plato’s philosophical idea presented in â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave. † Plato, a Greek philosopher introduces the significant meaning of reality and truth through his philosophical text. He illustrates the difference between illusion and the real world, which represents reality. In comparison, Frederick Douglass was an African American who had limited rights since he was a slave.Douglass decided to escape the darkness and get educated to become aware of the outside world. The definition of progress in both tales, are very similar. In both stories, there are four major progressions. First, both stories begin with men who are in the stage of ignorance. Second, these men are somehow able to escape from their bondage to ignorance. Third, they ar e enlightened. Fourth, they go back to their fellow friends, who are still bound to ignorance, and enlighten them. â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave† and the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass share the path to knowledge from ignorance.Initially, the idea of imprisonment is implied. The people from the cave were tied up along the wall with fire that created shadow against a wall. In â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†, the shadows caused misrepresentation of the real world, or ignorance. On the other hand, Douglass was held back from learning how to read and write by society during that time period. Unfortunately, his identity was forced upon him to be a slave, since there was racism, oppression, discrimination, degradation and segregation between white persons and black persons.Therefore, it was difficult for African-Americans to speak, know, or understand freedom. At first, it was impossible for the two groups, those chained in the cave and African-Americans, to af fect their immediate environment, or realistic elements, since they lacked liberty. In addition, exclusion from the freedom to interact with the â€Å"real world† led to other people accepting the way they live, believing there was no other choice. In the second stage, Douglass and one of the prisoners from the cave received the opportunity to explore the real world.When Douglass was sent to Baltimore, he gained new insight and was introduced to a new world. Douglass was eager and strongly felt the necessity for gaining an education. Despite all the possible obstacles and consequences, Douglass was eager and felt the necessity to learn how to read and write. He tried to get the help from the his surroundings to obtain an education. However, the most important lesson he got was that he started to realize the real reason for the existence of slavery.On the other hand, the man freed from the cave was forced to adapt himself to a new environment. Looking at the light, numerous li ving organisms, and other objects had created a different interpretation of his existent. In both situations, it was extremely difficult to accept the reality for both Fredrick Douglass and the freed man. Despite initial difficulties and fears, realizing and observing another reality created an eye-opening moment. In the third stage, Douglass gained much insight through his education, which led him to read books about slavery.Later on, anger builds up as Douglass discovers the forced identity on him and he started to rebel against his masters. In comparison, as the time went on, the freed man got used to the new surroundings available to him. He realized that sunlight and other objects were useful and beneficial. Later, the freed man realized that the sun is an essential part of the world we live in. The final stage in both pieces of literature was the most important. Their final goal was to educate others who were still living in darkness, or ignorance.The freed man took as many pr isoners out of the cave to help them attain knowledge. In addition, upon contemplation of these steps, one may make the following philosophical reasoning: perception of reality is learned through our observations. In comparison, Douglass was eager to seek freedom and got himself to New York. However, he did not end his journey there but fought for the rights of those stilled enslaved. In addition, he eventually wrote about life story to educate others and to motivate others to stand up for equality.Plato and Douglass came from different time periods in history, along with different styles of text. Plato represented his text philosophically and allegorically but the literature that Douglass represented was presented in non-fictional and historical context. However, the time period did not affect the perspectives towards human beings. â€Å"Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave† and Douglass’ Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave showed their r espective audience how the idea in relation to ignorance, education, and the way of perceiving of the reality is similar.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Historical Significance of Stanly Milgram Free Essay Example, 1500 words

Authority was represented by a scientist in a white coat who would continually urge the subject to proceed with administrating electric shocks to a third person. In fact, there was no electric shock involved but the third person merely behaved as if there had been one. Milgram found out that 60% of subjects obeyed the instruction to administer a high dose of electricity even after the victim gave up screaming. Milgram s research on obedience to authority represents the definitive contribution of social psychology to the corpus of scientific knowledge, which begin in 1898, empirically demonstrated the power of the situations to affect human behaviors. Milgram embarked on the most controversial research line in the brief history of social science. Milgram s research led to important insights. First, he showed that physical proximity moderated levels of destructive obedience. The closer the experimenter stood the administer the more likely he was to fully comply. Milgrams obedience res earch uncovered the single greatest cause the holocaust, thereby demonstrating the banality of evil. Milgram has contributed immensely to upgrade our knowledge about the human behavior. In his website article (Hawk, 2007)writes that What Milgram wanted to know was how far humans will go when an authority figure orders them to hurt another human being .We will write a custom essay sample on Historical Significance of Stanly Milgram or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page